Andy – Android Emulator for PC & Mac

Download Boom Beach for PC, Boom Beach on PC

Boom Beach For PC

Only 3 years ago, an app developer heralded to the gaming world one of the most insanely addictive strategic game called ‘Clash of Clans’. Indeed, it was a highly successful one. The combative element of the game that engrossed our minds beyond limits gave birth to Boom Beach to say the least! Supercell’s Boom Beach keeps up to the basic strategies of the previous iOS and Android hits Hay Day and Clash of Clans. What’s more, you can now download Boom Beach for your PC Windows 7/8 or Mac. For PCs, simply run the software emulator known as Andy! At last, you can safeguard your headquarters and keep everything under control at a much larger screen. The fate of your island will no longer just lodge on your smartphones and tablets. You will be able to pick strategic points clearly and build strong legion to protect against the evil Blackguard.

At the dock

As with every game that involves building your own dwellings, a meticulous eye and high doses of patience is required. (And hefty wallet perhaps?) With the magnitude of the ocean surrounding the islands, establishing your headquarters don’t just happen overnight! For one thing, starting out looks very plain and ordinary. You get a bare-looking island as your first base with the initial objective to sightsee the proximities if there are rivals threatening your solitude. Once you find out that the neighbouring islands harbour natives that needed to be rescued, your heroic instinct comes to life. When you download Boom Beach for your PC Windows 7/8 or Mac, you get to enjoy the following:

Anchor’s away

Eventually, you’ll work your way to free the island natives with your own strategic plan. You start by building basic structures and armies to fight off enemies, which includes human players. By instituting landing boats and gunships, you can deploy your troops and cleverly invade your opponent’s headquarters. When you successfully free an island, you get instantly rewarded with resources that will be useful to develop your HQs. Obtaining an island isn’t that simple as this can be taken from you and permits other players to gain back the resources. Not only that, they also get rewarded with medals due to this, so that’s where the challenge begins! If you use Andy to download Boom Beach for your PC Windows 7 /8 or Mac, you get the same android experience synced from your smartphones just by signing up with your Google account! You don’t have to worry about your scores getting wiped out, as that’s the main job of your cloud storage.

Not nautical nonsense

Not only you’ll be tempted to fork hard earned real dough from your pocket, you also get sleepless nights at this stage. After all, building and upgrading takes serious amount of hours. The freemium time scheme takes over as with most parts of the game. You need to have efficient time management to outdo other gamers. Your mind also works 24/7 contemplating on the next strategies to take your sweet revenge against the cunning players involved in destroying your attempts. You can download Boom Beach for your PC Windows 7 /8 or Mac with any browser form your desktop. Andy will help you get in total control of customizing your game by providing you with systematic improvements that can be enjoyed at optimum level by running the app on your PC!

Download Boom Beach For PC

By playing regularly and taking everything by heart and mind as well as by your debit card account, you’ll find yourself in an advanced level of blissful gaming experience. You’re in control, while everything is settled and running smoothly. Your buildings multiply as well as your resources. Of course, that’s just half-winning your battle. In the midst of all these, you’ll discover new foes and the prices have also skyrocketed along with your new higher level. The rest becomes another great big challenge! If you still don’t have it, you can finally download Boom Beach for your PC Windows 7/8 or Mac! If you’re already enjoying the free app on your tablet or smartphone, take your island hopping to a whole new level by getting a synching emulator like Andy for your Mac and Windows. This is an entirely different procedure than with most .EXE installation protocols. It only takes few simple steps and we will provide you with that below:

Step one: Download the android emulator software Andy and it is available for free. Click here to download: Download

Step Two: Start the installation of Andy by clicking on the installer file you downloaded.

Step three: When the software is ready to be used, start it and complete the sign up procedure and login with Google Play account.

Step four: Start Google play store app and use its search tool to search Boom Beach download.

Step Five: Find the Boom Beach game and start the installation.

Step six: Launch the game and you can now play Boom Beach on pc using a mouse or your keyboard and even your touch screen, you can use the control button to emulate the pinch function to zoom in and out.

Step seven: You can also install remote control app form here for remotely accessing the game: Andy remote control app


Thank y’all and enjoy Boom Beach download on pc!